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We can help with what you need to visit in Canada:


Find out if you need a visa 

We have the knowledge to assist the country of nationality of your passport if you need a visa or exempted to visit Canada.


Visit as a tourist

A lot of people want to explore Canada's vibrant culture, tourist attractions, and unrivaled scenery. We are here to help you determine your eligibility, advise what you need to meet specific requirements, facilitate you fill out the applications, and know what to expect when you arrive in Canada.


Visit your children and grandchildren

Parents and grandparents of Canadian citizens and permanent residents may be eligible to apply to the Parent and Grandparent Super Visa. This visa is valid for up to 10 years and will let you visit your family in Canada for up to two years without renewing your status.


We advocate family reunification and we can help you obtain a temporary resident visa.


Extend your stay

If you want to extend your stay in Canada, we can assist you in applying or extending your visitor record.


Contact us to discuss your options and possibilities.

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